Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Quick Update

So, trying to plough on but not being as faithful as I should be.

Yesterday had a good morning and did almost 4,000 words. Got home after the gym and was cooking dinner when a friends sms-ed and invited me over for food, which was lucky because as I was replying I realised I had already burnt my own. Had a great night of good wine, great company, and cupcakes to finish it all off. However, obviously, not so good for the writing, also got to bed slightly late.

This morning, as I knew that I was already behind, I dragged myself out of bed and got almost 3,000 words done before walking to work (making sure I get my vitamin D activated). This evening had another personal training session (they came free with my membership but were really good so if anyone is looking for a nice friendly personal trainer in South Yarra, let me know). Got home late, and while waiting for dinner to cook started reading more of Blackout (almost finished, have requested next one from library but has to be transferred. Just hope it arrives tomorrow so I don't have to wait in between books). Managed to not burn my dinner but also found myself still reading quite a while after I'd finished dinner. Didn't get to writing until 9.30pm, and so only got another 45mins of writing done. Altogether today I only got roughly 4,500 done.
Am currently up to a total of just over 50,000 words. I have two non-work days and two work days left to go until the end of this fortnight, and probably 30,000 more words. So in theory doable, but not if I keep having days like today.

All prayers gratefully received.

Good night all.


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