Monday, 18 February 2013

ROW 80 Update

Things have been moving, which is always exciting. 

If you care to venture over to, you will see that I've started up the webpage for my writing series, the first of which is to be released in just under 3 weeks! (The exclamation mark is partly to get you excited, and partly because I'm horrified at how close it is and how much I feel I still have to do!) 

The website is still in the development process but at least it is there, which is a huge relief. Keep a watch on it for as it becomes super cool!

As to the specific ROW 80 goals I set for this second half of the week:

1. write at least 1,500 words a day, 6 days a week on my theological draft. 
- I have 5,500 done, so not quite 1,500 for 6 days. A bit behind on that, but plan to sit down and keep hacking away at it. 
- Is actually a lot more fun than I originally thought. Making it less academic, more colloquial, and to keep myself motivated through this first draft stage, I'm allowing myself to say all the rude things about certain ideas and scholarship that need to be said, and I'll probably take them out later.

2. By Sunday, read through full draft of Five Day Writer's Retreat and work out what needs to be done. 

- Forgot that this is what I said I would do, and instead have been working through it more slowly fixing up what I need to do. 
- Have convinced a good friend of mine who has studied editing to go through it for me, so said I would get it to her by Wednesday. Deadlines, don't we all love deadlines?

3. Write 2 in-depth posts for both blogs.
- Wrote 1 in-depth post for this blog, see Identifying Your Niche Area.
 - Annoyingly have spent probably a collective 3+ hours trying to post for Fitbusters a review article on Barefoot Running Shoes (yes, I think we all see the oxymoron-ism there. And no, I'm not sure that is a word, but I'm happy to go with it all the same). Unfortunately (for everyone around me, as I became reasonably irate after the first few hours spread over three days) blogger is just refusing to publish or save it. I think it has something to do with the images, but it just keeps doing this to me, and will eventually publish it, you just have absolutely no idea when that 'eventually' will be, and my computer keeps crashing in the process. Yes, the brand new Mac Book Pro I bought about a month ago. Not Happy.

4. Write 3 articles for submission to get traffic to my blogs.  
- In the same vein, published one article and wrote a second one before my computer crashed and only saved the first two paragraphs. By this stage was not in the mood to continue writing. 

So, the goals were a mixed bag. At least I definitely did something, but not as much as I wanted. However, that will not slow me down! (well, in fact it did, but I will charge on from where I am not where I hoped to be.)

Goals until Wednesday:

1. 4,500 words for theology draft.

2. finish initial edit of The Five Day Writer's Retreat in order to send to my friend. 

3. Write and publish at least 1 article. 


  1. I have to say that I clicked over to read your blog post because of the title -- I was just saying last week that I feel a bit incompetent for my lack of creative check in post titles. You seem like you're having a great time meeting your goals. Congratulations and good luck for this upcoming week!

    1. Thanks. Am glad that a lack of creativity actually paid off for once :D Though, probably shouldn't encourage me too much, or the next title might just be 'meh.' or something similar.

  2. Good luck with your 100 drafts in five years. Sorry, I just read that on your profile and I was astounded, to say the least. I mean, wow!

    Also, good luck finishing up the content for your new website. Hope it's a success.

    1. Well, is probably not actually going to be a full 100, not if I keep deciding to do other things as well. But it has taken me from one full draft in about 3 years, to about 8 full drafts in about 6 months, so it's definitely doing something!

  3. You might not have accomplished everything you wanted, but you did get a lot done - good work! And Barefoot Running Shoes... um... okay? LOL. The FiveDayWriter site looks nice! Good luck and have a great week!

  4. new website is looking good but I couldn't find where to sign up for newsletter:( anyways good luck with your goals this coming week:)

  5. You did get a lot done this week, and your new website looks good, so yeah for productivity! Hope you have a great week and thanks for stopping by my blog!
