Monday, 6 May 2013

Caleb Writing Competition and ROW 80 Check In.

reading book
Courtesy of pear83 at stock.xchng

For those of you who don't know, I finished my very first complete first draft a year ago. Wow, only 1 year?

I hurried the completion in order to enter it into the Caleb Writing Competition, a Christian writing comp for unpublished manuscripts.
While I didn't win, I did get some very good feedback on my Sally Hunt book 1, which I implemented.
I had thought of sending the manuscript in again this year, but when I checked a month ago, I couldn't find the page for this year so assumed they weren't running it. I then forgot about it.
Well, last week a good friend emailed me saying 'I thought you might be interested in this:
Yup, the link to the very writing competition I had been meaning to enter!
So, I'm going to try my luck again. Sally Hunt is in much better shape, and I still have 11 days to polish her off a bit further.
If there are any other Australian Christian writers out there looking for a foot in the door, why not give it a go?
ROW 80:
Last week was definitely not one of my better weeks. But I'm blaming that largely on work. I literally did 9 days worth of work in 4 days. Not doing that again, team target or not!
I did write half a post for Personal Fitness Base Camp on the 8 hour diet. I'm still not completely convinced about the validity of the claims of the diet (eat whatever you like 8 hours a day and still lose weight!) but I'm going to be offering two free copies of the book to readers who are willing to test it out for two weeks. So check in at PFBC later this week if you are interested.
I also wrote half a post for 100FD on the next in the KOP series. Will be posting that probably tomorrow.
So, have a long way to catch up. Still planning to do at least 1 post/article per day for 5 days. Might not get to do it at lunch time, now that I have to look like I'm working more, but will try to stop working before I get completely brain dead so I can do my work when I'm at home.
Finally: if anyone has some free time in the next week and wants to proof read a chapter of Sally Hunt and make suggestions, just let me know!


  1. Sometimes work just gets in the way of writing. In fact, life in general gets in the way sometimes. Usually there's not much we can do about it except struggle through and know the writing will still be there when we have some free time.

    Good luck this week!

    1. Thank Lauralynn. I do love how writing is always there, just in case you have a few spare minutes. Though sometimes I feel it is staring at me reproachfully - 'why haven't you been doing me? Huh? I see you watching that episode of Dr. Who. We could have been making stories.'
      But maybe I'm just becoming paranoid in my old age :D
