Sunday, 10 March 2013

Finally! It's Released!

My book. Listed on Amazon. For the world to buy!

Pretty big day, I tell you.

And I think I have everything actually working!

My first ever self-published book: available for sale here, on my webpage and on Amazon!

I have just sent out the Broadcast message giving a free copy to everyone who has signed up to The Five Day Writer newsletter.

And I'm now 30.

So, all in all, success.

Now to enjoy my birthday party and then collapse.

Still time to join up to the newsletter at and receive a free copy.

Or, if you want to pay the $34.95 for the work, I would be more than happy to help you out!


  1. Congratulations!I know that feels great!

  2. That is so good. I wish you the best of luck.


  3. Thanks everyone! It is really nice to finally have something to point people towards when they ask what I've actually written.

  4. Eee, congratulations! That's so exciting! :D
