Wednesday 9 January 2013

ROW 80 First Check In.

Um, right, okay. So, all fired up about Round of Words in 80 Days?

Was on Monday. Monday was great. I got up at 7 am and worked on my new project for 2.5 hours before spending a day at work, and then coming home and working on my blogs and online stuff. Success! In Your Face 'Resolution Fail'! 

Only problem? Was a bit too excited, so Monday night couldn't tear myself away from doing my online work until well after my usual bedtime, and so Tuesday morning couldn't drag myself out of bed. Slept in until I was running late for work and had to catch the train (grabbing a burger for breakfast, failing so badly!). Then had to go up to spend the night with my little sister and couldn't get any work done. That was fine, I decided to count that as my day off for the week. 

Then comes today. Well, can totally claim granddaughter brownie points as managed to spend time with both sets of grandparents.  Saw Les Mis with one side and then went up to visit my other grandmother and go on a very slow walk with her. (Covered 0.9km in half an hour, but hey, she's 97 and still determined to go for walks, so kudos to her.) What does that mean for my writing?


- write 5,000 words a day on my new project: 
Okay, so I cheated, my current project is a non-fiction book called 'The Five Day Writer's Retreat'. So on Monday I went through and outlined the whole thing, and the next four books in the series (was on a roll...) and then went through all my old blog posts up to August and copied the relevant content into the relevant places for the five books. 

I plan to use that as the basis then re-write the entire thing and add what I've learned over the past six months. However, just coping it all out came to about 14,000 words just for that first book (not taking into account the other four that I added posts to). So, I basically have 5,000 words a day done on the project, it's just that they are not original words, so is cheating a bit. But, considering everything, I'm totally okay with cheating.

- Post for both blogs.
Didn't post last night, but got both done the night before, and will get both done tonight. (And managed to fix up a few of my links and start my resource page here. If you want resources for starting a blog, check it out!) So mostly there.

- 3 articles a week.
Have actually managed to do three Hub articles already. I've found that I can get at least one done in my lunch break at work. The deadline really helps. So, that is one thing I don't feel I've cheated on.

Am really excited about this e-book, so will be getting down and working on it over the next week and a half. I really want the first draft of it finished by the end of next week, so I can start editing and formatting. I'll be running a few posts in the future on actually produce an e-book, optimising it for Kindle, getting it on Amazon and marketing it, passing on everything I learn from the process.

Also, I'm going to be offering free early bird editions to any of my followers or email subscribers (have just worked out how to contact you!) if they are prepared to give me useful feedback and review it on Amazon (honestly! not just saying nice stuff) when it comes out. So, if you want to get your hands on a free pre-release copy, sign up to either the email subscription or follower section!

Will get down to more work over the next few days. Nothing planned, all family obligations paid for a while, I think. (Though love my family, shouldn't think of it as obligations...)

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