Friday, 12 April 2013

Friday Writing Feast

Welcome back to Friday! Yah!

Continuing on with the Smile Writers, It's Friday theme of rounding up great stuff from around the interwebs...

Favourite quote:

'Writing is an act of faith, not a trick of grammar.' - E.G. White,

tweeded by Bethanne Patrick @TheBookMaven

People I wish I was right now:

B.J.Novak (actor in The Office).

Why? He's just signed a two-book deal with Alfred A. Knopf as a first time author for a seven figure advance. He had nin publishers bidding on the poposal.

What this means? First, Comedy memoirs are hot property right now.
Also, become famous first helps in becoming an author. Hollywood, here I come!

I'm Sure I said this first:

Steam Feed has just released a post about why students should start blogging.
Their argument is that during studies it will keep your writing skills sharp, and that afterwards it will help graduates stand out.
They then give some tips for students wanting to start blogging.

I'm sure I said this a few months ago. Or at least thought, which should count because I know I did it.
I think it is a great idea for students, even if they don't blog, to build up a strong portfolio of articles on article directories. It will help them summarise what they are learning (yes, that's the University tutor in me coming out), and can help them earn some extra money. And finally, it will make them appear more of an expert in the field.

So go for it!

Great Deal For Poetry Readers:

National Poetry Month

Coffee House Press have teamed up with a few others and for National Poetry Month (every April, in case you didn't know like me), they are offering a free book to give to someone for every book of poetry purchased via their website. So, for anyone who wants to get educating the masses, start buying!

So, that's some of the stuff happening around the web.

Anyone got any other good links to share?

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